Who’s To Blame?

“You never have money for anything! I wish I had a rich father!” SLAP!! Bala couldn’t hold his tears. He had made sure that his son got the best education possible. Even after countless arguments with Sumathi he was intent on sending Bala to the highest reputed school in the neighbourhood. Bala was not able... Continue Reading →

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All In The Name Of Religion

A kindly woman, enfeebled with age, was sitting besides the temple gate with her palms raised. I shattered a coconut in front of the idol with hopes that it would magically add points to my karma. My gaze fell on the kindly woman. I was filled with genuine grief just contemplating the sort of lifestyle... Continue Reading →

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Are You Present Today?

“All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone." Blaise Pascal   This quote from the physicist sounds like a gross overstatement on first read. In a world that worships productivity where everyone is eager to juice every second we're given either as a consumer or creator, sitting idle... Continue Reading →

Interview Priorities

It was already a quarter past ten, but I was glad that it was at last my turn to the meet the interviewers at the end of a very long day. The interviewer was kind enough to smile and make me comfortable. The drill started with the customary request to tell a few words about... Continue Reading →

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